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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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hardly, energetically, 5 (12)
harlots, joke played on two, 376; two before Solomon, his judgment be­tween, 350; punishment of, at Bridewell, 39. See Holland, Mrs
Harrietsham, Kent, 343 n.
harrolds, heralds, 145 (2), 146 (6)
hartless (heartless) place, ije. a place of death, 259 (11)
Hatto, Bishop, 370
Hawkins, Sir John, 418 (9)
heap, on a, in a mass, 153 (10)
heare, hair, 117 (8)
hearings, herrings, 31 (2)
heart-string, a, 28 (10)
heat, anger, 8(18); lust, 6(14), 51(8); venereal disease, 63(13), 198(16)
Hellen, i.e. Helle, daughter of Atha-mas, who was drowned in the Hellespont, to which her name was given, 53 (13)
Hellespont, 50 (3)
hemp, beating of, a punishment, 39
Henneberg, Count Herman and Coun­tess Margaret of, their 365 chil­dren, 121
Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, referred to in ballads, 292 (16), 297 (8)
Henry IV, King of France, murder of, 24
Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales,
23 (24% 30 Herbert, Sir Gerard, 248
Herbert, Sir Henry, 437
hermaphrodite, an, 122, 443
Hero and Leander, 49, 66
herring-hog, the grampus, caught in Cheshire, 442 (15)
hetroclite, heteroclite, eccentric, fan­tastic, 243 (19)
hewen, hewed, 148 (9)
Heywood, John, Proverbs, 229, 420
Heywood, Thomas, 234
Hicks, a criminal, 58 (25)
Hicks, Captain William, Grammatical Drollery, 207
Hidra (Hydra), 22 (19)
hie, hasten, 33 (11), 63 (9), etc.; high,
22(19), 142 (6), 152 (3), etc. high day, a, solemn or festal day, 280
.(9) hip, to be caught on the, 169 (20)
hobbyhorse, 198 (19)
hog-faced gentlewoman, the, 123, 449
Hog Lane, London, 41 (5)
Holborn, 252 (8), 253 (10)
Holborn Fields, murders in, 253 (10),
435 (H)
Holdt, Germany, miracle at, 316
Holland and the Amboyna massacre, 200; naval battle of, with Spain, in 1639, 455; pig-faced lady, a, born in, 451. See Netherlands, the
Holland, Mrs Elizabeth, her "Leaguer," 399
holpen, helped, 82 (20)
Holt, George, 432
Holt, Rowland, 431
honest, chaste, 3 (7), 10 (23), 142 (5), etc.; honourable, 148 (11)
honesty, the decay of, ballad on, 410
hook or crook, by, 242 (15)
hopeful, causing or inspiring hope,
79 (1 ff.) horns, to graft, on one's head, 7 (14);
to proffer one, 8 (18); to wear, 37
(23), terms referring to cuckoldry horned like a beast, to be, i.e. a
cuckold, 331 (17) horning, cuckoldry, 335 (n) horses sink into the ground, 370 Horsnell, William, 59 Houndsditch, London, 36 (22), 436
(16) howers, hours, 98 (4), 259 (11) Howlbruck, Derbyshire, 54 Hudson, Thomas, Songs, 166 Huguenots, the, and La Rochelle, 293 hurdle, a, sledge on which criminals
were drawn to the gallows, 287(12) hymeneal, 356 (1)
I marry, aye, marry! 348 (16)
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